The One in Three Campaign has lodged its submission to the NSW Legislative Council’s Domestic violence trends and issues in NSW (Inquiry).
To summarise the main points in the submission:
- The existence of male victims and female perpetrators needs to be acknowledged by government legislation, policy and programs.
- The provision of perpetrator programs needs to be statewide. Community health counselling services are the logical provider.
- The psychosocial counselling needs of perpetrators must be met. This is rarely the case in groups based on the Duluth model.
- We would recommend the use of GPS bracelets only in such (rare) cases where the evidentiary basis for an ADVO is sufficient.
- Domestic and family violence policy needs to recognise all victims and perpetrators, including children, carers and extended family members.
- Gender-profiling of offenders and victims in legislation must be removed.
- The assistance and accountability of police services needs to be improved.
- The NSW Health domestic violence screening tool should be expanded to include men as well as women.
You can read the full submission here (PDF).