The Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) is conducting a survey of domestic abuse victims in NSW to find out why many do not report their abuse to police and/or do not seek the assistance of services for victims of domestic abuse. The senior research officer conducting the research is Dr Emma Birdsey.
BOCSAR is seeking your assistance in carrying out the survey, participation in which is both voluntary and anonymous. No identifying information will be published. Everyone participating in the survey will receive a $25 Woolworths gift voucher for their help and time.
If you or your agency is willing to assist us in our research, we request that you:
1) Display the attached posters in your centre
2) Pass to your clients the attached leaflets
3) Send Emma an email with the first name and phone number of each client who expresses a willingness to participate in the survey.
Surveying will commence on 15 November 2012 and conclude on 30 April 2013. You will be provided with a copy of the research report when it is complete. All participant contact details will be destroyed immediately on completion of the research.
Please don’t hesitate to direct any questions you may have about this project to Emma, or 02 9231 9158.
Source: BOCSAR Leaflet (
Source: BOCSAR Poster (