Fathers’ experiences of fatigue and its consequences when parenting 1 to 4 year olds

January 30, 2014


We would like to invite you to take part in a research project about the experience of fatigue, parenting and partner relationship satisfaction in fathers of young children aged 1-4 years. This research is being conducted by Kate Potter, as part of a Master of Psychology programme, under the supervision of Dr Angela Gent of the University of Ballarat.

The following information will help you to decide if you would like to participate.

Purpose of this project:

Parenting a young child or children can be very rewarding, however, it can also be challenging at times. Research tells us fathers have a key role to play in the healthy development of their children and, as such, their wellbeing and beliefs about their parenting are important. However, there has been very little research into fathers’ experiences of fatigue, and how this may impact on their relationship with their partner and their thoughts about parenting.

As such, we are interested in exploring fatigue in fathers of young children aged 1-4 years who are currently in a relationship. To gain a good understanding of fathers’ experiences we need to hear from a wide range of fathers, who may or may not be experiencing difficulties with fatigue.

The results of the study will hopefully inform services and programs to better assist fathers in the management of fatigue and its impact on parenting.

Source: Fatigue and Parenting Survey (https://limesurvey.federation.edu.au/index.php/926386/lang-en)

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