Simon Turner is a single father who has written and published a book called “Out on a Limb - A single fathers guide to his family’s lore of the jungle” for other single fathers on a similar journey to obtain a shared care agreement f...
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Simon Turner is a single father who has written and published a book called “Out on a Limb - A single fathers guide to his family’s lore of the jungle” for other single fathers on a similar journey to obtain a shared care agreement f...
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Simon Turner is a single father who has written and published a book called “Out on a Limb - A single fathers guide to his family’s lore of the jungle” for other single fathers on a similar journey to obtain a shared care agreement f...
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Authors Susan Beaton, Suicide Prevention Consultant and Dr Peter Forster, University of Worcester, UK recently published an article about men's suicide for the Australian Psychology Society. Titled 'Insights into men's suicide' the article covers such ranging issues as reasons for gender disparity, correlates of suicide in men (eg relationship breakdown and alcohol...
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"Mark" and "Lucy" had been together for three years, on and off, at school when, aged 16, Lucy became pregnant. Soon after, the relationship ended. "I told her I'd broken up with her but I hadn't broken up with our baby," says Mark, now 20. "Right from the beginning, I wanted to...
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Rise in hostility: Justice David Collier. Photo: Sahlan Hayes
Allegations of child sexual abuse are being increasingly invented by mothers to stop fathers from seeing their children, says a retiring Family Court judge.
Justice David Collier, retiring ...
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Wheelers Hill father Sam Katakouzinos and his son Liam, 7years spend special times together. Picture: Janine Eastgate Herald Sun
MEN who don't see their children much can still be terrific fathers, a new survey has found.
The study from the Parenting Research Centre has found it is the quality of the relationship that matters,...
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Today's Sydney Morning Herald features an article by Guy Mosel titled 21st century man: lost and anachronistic. Overall it's a very good overview of the various strands of the men's movement. However, it suffers from a couple of problems that most med...
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To Dads in Distress (DIDSS) members and supporters,
As part of the member feedback work we are doing for the Department of Families and Housing, Community Support and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA), our next paper (Paper No 5) is going to address the top...
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Spring sunshine on a Tuesday morning and I am musing on the emails and letters that I have been receiving over the past few months from mothers, fathers, grandparents and other family members, all on the subject of family separation, some on related is...
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This is an edited version of a research paper by Prof. Bob Birrell, Virgonia Rapson, and Clare Hourigan, of the Monash University Centre for Population and Urban Research for the Australian Family Association written in March 2004. Their insights are still very current today.
Economic changes over the past 20 years have conspired to create...
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Dean Mason, chairman of Dads in Distress Support Services, whose book, Daddy's OK, will be launched tomorrow. Photo: Jason South
When Tim's* marriage ended more than a decade ago, the Melbourne teacher who was living alone in his small workshop, thoug...
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Every year, tens of thousands of Australian children are not able to wish their dad, or their granddad, a happy Father's Day due to their parents being separated or divorced.
What does that tell us, that fathers who don't see their children are "deadb...
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A father accused of having all the fun with his daughter while his former partner dealt with the "drudgery and hard work" has lost half his contact visits.
The dad was also accused of failing to acknowledge the six-year-old girl was suffering from sepa...
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The right of both divorced fathers and mothers to see their children is to be enshrined in law for the first time as part of changes to family justice, despite warnings from the government's independent review and lawyers that it would "clog the court...
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Anti-shared parenting lobbyists in Australia, the U.K and U.S made much of Jennifer McIntosh's "findings" that no overnight stays or joint physical custody is best for toddlers. Professor Lamb however, sheds light on a central problem with her research...
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Front and centre in family law matters is the best interests of the child. There's been much discussion about the impact of expanded definitions in recent amendments to the Family Law Act. But the reforms also include a new object: the United Nations C...
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